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An inexplicable blank cheque

Last week, on occasion of the International Women's Day I posted an article about how witch hunts were still alive and well in the twenty first century, whereby opinions that contradicted the general narrative in controversial matters are systematically prosecuted and cleansed, in a display of what we can only label as "cancel culture". One of the cases I mentioned was the forced resignation of a prominent researcher in a German scientific institution. I tagged the situation as plain and simple cowardice by the institution because I understand that the public can be subject (i.e. manipulated) of an outrage, but it should be the task of our decision makers to keep a cool head and resist the uproar of the masses when it is unjustified or plainly illegal. However, the case troubled me so much that I investigated further and the situation is much worse than I anticipated on three different fronts. The first troubling aspect is that the response of the institution was dressed

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